Reflections on Dubai

I'm at 35,000 feet with a beer in my hand and another seven under my belt, on my way to the Democratic Republic of South Africa. It's there that my journey will truly begin - not only will I be wrestling rhinos and gulping malaria tablets so that I don't die, but I'll also be … Continue reading Reflections on Dubai

Capital Punishment 

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE, which means it's their version of Canberra. But instead of being freezing cold and overflowing with brilliant footballers, it's blazing hot and loaded with skyscrapers. Oh, and the beaches are a bit better than Canberra's, too. The city is a two hour bus ride from Dubai, and … Continue reading Capital Punishment 

Sheikh, Rattle and Roll

Yesterday I took on Dubai's ancient streets, and today I explored the newer side of things. The symbol of this rapidly-evolving desert metropolis is the Burj Khalifa, an 828m-tall skyscraper that is the tallest structure on the planet. It really is an incredible building, and standing at the bottom and looking up at it left … Continue reading Sheikh, Rattle and Roll

“Dubai… is that in Africa?”

My plane touched down in Africa just as the dirty orange sun was slinginging itself over the nearby skyscrapers, and proceeded to battle jetlag as I battled the crowds onto the train that would take me into the heart of the city. As it sped through modern buildings and past beautifully-manicured gold courses, I couldn't … Continue reading “Dubai… is that in Africa?”