The Hamster Rides Again

After a few weeks spent tearing up the skies above Nusa Dua and keeping the fine folks who brew Bintang in business, Alan and I packed up our gliders and headed to the gorgeous Balinese village of Candidasa to continue our adventure. Within minutes of hitting town we were up on the hill, launching out … Continue reading The Hamster Rides Again

Thelma and Louise Go Flying

If there's a more inspirational film than the 1991 classic Thelma & Louise, I'm yet to see it. The tale of two lesbians who smoke some poor bloke and then travel all over the place in a fancy car before driving it off a cliff provides lessons that we should all live by. Also, Geena … Continue reading Thelma and Louise Go Flying

Back in Balangan

After three weeks back in Australia, I was sick of winter and ready to head back out into the big wide world, so I hitched a ride on a Qantas jet and zipped over to Bali to go paragliding and chase backpackers for a month. Actually, it wasn't quite that easy - some Islamic terrorist … Continue reading Back in Balangan

Final landing

After nearly three weeks flying through the buoyant skies of Bali, from Nusa Dua to Candidasa, it's time to pack up my wing and get out of here. During my time here I've ridden on dodgy motorbikes, danced in the street, met cool people, eaten weird food, been chased by monkeys, chased women, upset the … Continue reading Final landing

Into the rape truck!

After a week of brilliant flying in beautiful Candidasa, Bali, it's time for the majority of the Cloudbase crew to pack up their wings and fly back to Australia. Me and Rich have stayed on for a few days, however, to continue flying in paradise with our mates Jules, Lewis and Dr Pete, a man … Continue reading Into the rape truck!

Ceremonial sacrifices

The full moon makes people do funny things. Some transform into werewolves and go around eating anyone too fat to run away, while others dance naked around bonfires and have sex with goats. The Balinese don't do anything stupid like that, though - the full moon is simply a reason to eat fish from the … Continue reading Ceremonial sacrifices

Hangin’ with the Hamster: The UNCUT TRUE STORY of THAT drunken evening with Richard Ham

Paragliding isn't all about flying through exotic lands. Most of the time is spent bludging around waiting for the wind to pick up, or drinking Bintangs by the pool with your mates, or stripping off in public while the locals hoot and holler like rabid monkeys. This is the story of a night out with … Continue reading Hangin’ with the Hamster: The UNCUT TRUE STORY of THAT drunken evening with Richard Ham

Sweet like Candi

Candidasa is a mystical land full of ancient temples, turquoise beach, and angry monkeys, but the only way to truly appreciate it is from the air. This isolated collection of beaches along the Balinese coast have provided me with an aerial playground that has proven to be nothing short of mind-blowing and life-changing. In short, … Continue reading Sweet like Candi

Trees-ed to meet you!

I haven't received many standing ovations in my life. There was the time I came third in the under-8 boys mini tramp competition at Gosford Youth Centre a few decades ago, the day I came second in a pie-eating contest, and that's about it. Even the ovation I received from impressed onlookers after scoring with … Continue reading Trees-ed to meet you!

Romeo of the skies

Another day in Bali, another two-and-a-half hours souring through the big blue above Nusa Dua with my buddies from Cloudbase Paragliding. And I'll tell ya, making it through a few hours' of glorious flying was a bit of a surprise because I've been married to my toilet for the last couple of days and there … Continue reading Romeo of the skies