Beauty and the Greek

Sometimes the greatest love can start out as something closer to revulsion - just ask my ex-girlfriend. It was like that with Paros, with my first impressions being only slightly more positive than the rambling poetry of a suicidal teenager. When I first stepped foot on this quiet Greek island, I wanted to step right … Continue reading Beauty and the Greek

Paros in the spring (or, is that tzatziki sauce on your pants, or are you just happy to see me?)

After the chaos of Santorini, with bikes and dickheads and Chinese tourists flying everywhere, Paros has proven to be the quiet, relaxing getaway I was craving. Alright, so I spent most of my time in Santorini lying by the pool or bludging around in the sun in my undies, but I still needed to spend … Continue reading Paros in the spring (or, is that tzatziki sauce on your pants, or are you just happy to see me?)

You don’t get a lot of hotel for $10 a night these days

After staying in a delightful hotel in Santorini, I decided to save a bit of money and take the rustic approach to accommodation during my time on the quieter island of Paros. Surfing Beach Village offered private cabins by the sand for only $10 a night, so what could possibly go wrong? The answer is, … Continue reading You don’t get a lot of hotel for $10 a night these days

The Ballad of Santorini Sal, Part II

I didn’t really expect Santorini Sal to be waiting for me. Maybe it’s because I’ve known too many people who've said they'd wait for me but didn't, or maybe I just suspected that he was a hustler, and was off somewhere parting a poor sucker from his money. But Sal was waiting for me, right … Continue reading The Ballad of Santorini Sal, Part II

The Ballad of Santorini Sal

Sometimes a person enters your life and changes everything. With a different perspective on existence, a captivating personality, or even just a sparkling smile that lights up the world, once this person walks through the door, you just know that things will never be the same again. For me, that happened today, and the person … Continue reading The Ballad of Santorini Sal

The Row Show climbs a mountain

I never learn my lesson. I've never learnt that strippers make lousy girlfriends,or that I shouldn't sleep in bins after drinking all night, or that the Raiders will never again win a Grand Final. I've also never learnt that climbing mountains isn't a very sensible thing for me to do. Climbing mountains has led to … Continue reading The Row Show climbs a mountain

Naxos – sounds like nachos, but it’s even more delicious

I rocked up to the Greek island of Naxos a few days ago, and it's a top little place. Beautiful beaches, lovely women, and cute little towns and villages to explore. These islands really are how they're depicted in movies and tellybox shows - laid back and relaxed, with friendly people and awesome food. With … Continue reading Naxos – sounds like nachos, but it’s even more delicious

Acropolis Wow… it’s really bloody expensive!

Athens is the birthplace of democracy and modern civilisation (and, perhaps more importantly, lovable ethnic comedian Nick Giannopoulos), and is one of the busiest and noisiest cities in the world. There are motorbikes and cars screaming through the streets, crowds surging through narrow alleyways, and little blokes smashing plates on the ground on every corner, … Continue reading Acropolis Wow… it’s really bloody expensive!